The purchase of real crypto assets is an unregulated service and is not covered by any specific regulatory framework. If crypto assets are purchased on a real basis and not traded as a CFD you will not benefit from the protections available to clients receiving regulated investment services, such as access to investor compensation schemes or dispute resolution services.
Trade leading cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and more
Trading on Crypto Assets
Buy and Hold.
Exchange + Wallet
CFDs on Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are virtual currencies that are not issued or backed by a central bank or government. Cryptocurrency CFDs allow investors to speculate on a change in the price of a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. They have experienced significant price volatility which, in combination with leverage, places you at risk of suffering significant losses and potentially losing more than you have invested. You should be aware of the risks involved and fully consider whether investing in cryptocurrency CFDs is appropriate for you.
Crypto wallets
When you trade via CFD broker you don’t require for one to have a crypto wallet in order to trade cryptocurrencies. You never own actual cryptocurrencies.
Risks of trading Crypto CFDs
Cryptocurrency CFDs are an extremely high-risk, speculative investment. The risks involve:
Price volatility: The value of cryptocurrencies, and therefore the value of CFDs linked to them, is extremely volatile. They are vulnerable to sharp changes in price due to unexpected events or changes in market sentiment.
Leverage: Leverage multiplies your losses and potential profits, and can have a significant impact on fees. It also places you at risk of losing more than your initial investment.
Costs: Costs tend to be higher than for our other CFD products. These include the spread (the difference between the prices at which we offer to buy or sell a CFD position) and funding charges.
Price transparency: When compared with currencies, there can be more significant variations in the pricing of cryptocurrencies used to determine the value of your CFD position.
The opinion and information that we include on this website, in writing or through social and digital media, does not constitute any investment recommendations. We only reflect our point of view on the markets. Therefore, we are not making recommendations to buy or sell any financial product.
By trading with securities and derivatives on margin you are taking a high degree of risk. You can lose all of your deposited money. You should start trading only if you are aware of this risk that is involved.
CFDs & FX are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.