Terms of Use - Legal Notice

Unless specifically indicated otherwise, access to the services offered by Online Broker Guide is free, although prior registration may be necessary for security and data protection reasons or simply due to the characteristics of the service. In the services in which the user must register and is provided access with a password, the user will be solely responsible for keeping it private.

By the mere use of the services offered by Online Broker Guide, the user expresses his unreserved acceptance of these general conditions and accepts the restrictions on the use of the services that may be imposed at the time.

The user undertakes not to use the services to carry out activities contrary to the laws, public order and, in general, to use them in accordance with these general conditions. It also undertakes not to use these services with commercial or advertising intentions except with an explicit agreement or consent, as well as not to use false identities or substitute the identities of other people.

The copying and distribution of material protected by copyright or copyright, the sending of unsolicited emails (known as SPAM mail) or any similar type of communication, the extraction of personal data or other types of information or software are especially prohibited. of our computer systems and in general, any other activity that is contrary to the law, considering that Online Broker Guide is governed by English law. In the event of detecting a user performing said prohibited activities, Online Broker Guide is free to take measures such as preventing access to the offender and cancelling their user accounts (including pending payments, if any), and even depending on the severity, alert the authorities. competent authorities or take legal action to compensate for the damage caused.

Online Broker Guide will not be responsible for failures that may occur in communications, including deletion, incomplete transmission or delays in the referral, not committing itself to the transmission network being operational at all times. Nor can it be liable in the event that a third party, violating the security measures established by Online Broker Guide, accesses the messages, places computer viruses or produces any other type of damage to the computer system that may affect its users. Online Broker Guide has adopted a policy of protection of personal data, including their registration with the Data Protection Agency, but it cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of its security systems, nor can it guarantee the security or inviolability of said data in its transmission through the net.

Online Broker Guide does not control or guarantee the absence of computer viruses in the services provided by third parties that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system. Online Broker Guide offers a considerable number of links to other web pages as a complement to its information and services offer. However, it cannot be held responsible for the information, products or services that can be found at Internet addresses that are not directly owned by Online Broker Guide.

Online Broker Guide lacks the means to control the use that users make of the portal www.onlinebrokerguide.com owned by Online Broker Guide, and therefore does not guarantee that they do so in accordance with these general conditions, although it will take the necessary measures in case of discovering said illegitimate activities, which would include the interruption of the service offered to the offender.

Online Broker Guide reserves the right to stop providing any of its services, just by communicating it through the same means with a fifteen-day advance notice. It also reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and conditions of the service, as well as the services and conditions required for its use. Online Broker Guide may, at any time, modify these general conditions or introduce new conditions of use, including the termination of the gratuity, on a non-retroactive basis.

The user accepts that the personal data provided by him or that are provided in the future to Online Broker Guide may be subject to treatment in a personal data file, in accordance with its policy of protection of personal data. The user, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, accepts the English law as the governing legislation of these conditions and submits to the Courts in the United Kingdom for the resolution of any litigation that may arise from them.